Season of Lists: Pure Pop Radio’s Favorite Records of the Year

Stars-5Thanks to Alan Haber’s Pure Pop Radio for including Vanishing Act in its stellar lineup of Pure Pop Radio’s favorite records of 2014.

It’s a great list of records, including many of my favorites, too (Bill lloyd, Marti Jones, Robert Crenshaw, Jamie Hoover), as well as new bands to discover.


Pure Pop Radio writes:

Edward O’Connell | Vanishing Act   Four years on from his 2010 debut, Our Little Secret, Edward O’Connell returns with, not surprisingly, another great record. In our July 10 station update, I wrote that “Vanishing Act is everything a great melodic pop album should be and then some.” Songs include the insanely catchy “My Dumb Luck” (with its George Harrison-esque slide guitar lines), the equally infectious “Severance Kiss,” and “Lonely Crowd,” with a decidedly Tom Petty vibe. With not a single note or clever lyric wasted, Vanishing Act is one of this year’s greatest musical achievements.